Thailand Medical Market

thailand medical market

With its large pharmaceutical market, nationwide health care access, and foreign-friendly regulatory environment, Thailand presents great opportunities for medical companies looking to enter the Asian markets. In addition, as the country’s population grows older and its dependence on medical imports continues to increase, there is great need for Western companies to expand into the Thai market. Pacific Bridge Medical has knowledgeable partners and strategic affiliates in Thailand who offer a variety of business development and regulatory services to assist medical device and pharmaceutical companies in the Thai medical markets.

Thailand Medical Device Market Size

  • $6.5 billion
  • Projected Growth Rate: 8.5%

Thailand Pharmaceutical Market Size

  • $7.8 billion
  • Projected Growth Rate: 9.9%

Thailand Economic Statistics and Demographics

  • GDP (PPP): $1.4 trillion
  • Per Capita GDP (PPP): $19,051
  • Real GDP Growth Rate: 3.9%
  • Population (millions): 69
  • Ethnic Diversity: 75% Thai; 14% Chinese; 11% other
Related Resources

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